Saturday, January 23, 2010

Natural Muscle Relaxants Prostate Will Natural Muscle Relaxants Such As Valerian Root Help With Yoga ?

Will natural muscle relaxants such as valerian root help with Yoga ? - natural muscle relaxants prostate

Part of yoga is the flexibility to relax the tense muscles to achieve, it is a muscle relaxant, valerian root promote or hinder how the practice of yoga?

1 comment:

  1. The difference between impede or facilitate the practice of yoga is done in the quantity of valerian root you are using. Valerian is a natural sedative nervous system (sedatives), so it makes much more relaxed muscles. It also slows the heart and breathing a little, and leads to a state of relaxation, was similar to drowsiness. For this reason it is recommended to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and / or sleep disorders. But as a natural remedy has much fewer side effects compared to synthetic antidepressants. Experiment to see with valerian tea, capsules or tincture, to see how it affects the practice of yoga, but it would not be wise, more than the recommended dose to take in writing perspective. A little relaxation does not hurt, and so you could relax, but a higher dose may cause drowsiness, their concentration in meditation, which could not, what influence you, I suppose. Also, remember never to combine valerian with other depressants like alcohol while taking, as thiscould cause serious side effects.
